Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4COM)  1.26.2
List of related manuals:
[detail level 12]
 Fundamentals of MLPI Programming
 MLPI SDK Programming Strategies
 Security in MLPI
 Creating a new C# project for Windows using Visual Studio 2005Learn how to set up a simple VS2005 project which runs on the BoschRexroth VEP WinCE6.0 platform and how to access the MLP firmware using MLPI function calls
 Creating a new Visual Basic (.NET) project for Windows using Visual Studio 2005Learn how to set up a simple VS2005 project which runs on the BoschRexroth VEP WinCE6.0 platform and how to access the MLP firmware using MLPI function calls
 Creating a new VBA project for Windows using ExcelLearn how to set up a simple VBA Excel project which runs on a standard windows platform and is able to connect to a MLC/MLP/XLC control using MLPI function calls. All MLPI function calls are tunneled through TCP/IP over an ethernet connection to the control. Please keep in mind that hard realtime from your application to the control is not possible using this setup
 Run a C# application without dll registrationLearn what you need to do to run a C# application without registration of the commlpiwin32.dll on the end users computer