Digital services for industrial automation – for the entire life of a product

In the digitalized world, software as a service plays an important role. Digital services breathe life into products and are often the users’ right hand. Together with classic services, they offer various services during the customer journey over the entire product life cycle, simplify processes and ensure greater efficiency. They are an integral part of the automation toolkit ctrlX AUTOMATION and support the individual components – e.g. the ultra-compact control platform ctrlX CORE and the compact drive system ctrlX DRIVE. Ideally, they can help users to carry out their day-to-day automation tasks too.

The ctrlX OS Store allows apps and updates for all applications to be downloaded. With subscriptions, we keep you up to date at all times and allow central access to all content and necessary information. When it comes to the management and maintenance of device settings as well as remote maintenance, the ctrlX Device Portal provides valuable support. The ctrlX Digital Service Assistant app helps with maintenance. It carries out a quick diagnostic check on machines and initiates repairs.

Image shows the real image of a city. Dots symbolizing the use of digital services were drawn in as graphic elements.

Digital services for greater efficiency

1. Interactive support through sharing information relating to ctrlX AUTOMATION

2. Individual automation solutions can be developed quickly and as necessary thanks to online access to all available applications

3. Easy management and maintenance of device settings as well as remote maintenance

4. Maximum availability thanks to quick machine diagnostics and repair requests


Modular service portfolio

ctrlX developR Community

These days, innovations are the result of co-creation. The new generation of users appreciates being able to share ideas and information with like-minded people. It is also important to be up to date at all times and to know where help can be found quickly if it is needed. With the ctrlX developR Community, users enjoy a digital service which revolves around the Bosch Rexroth automation world. They can seek help here, take part in discussions with experts, develop ideas and share application examples.

The ctrlX developR Community is somewhere to try out new ideas, find information and interact with others. For example, there is a special forum for holding discussions with the Bosch Rexroth Game Changers. Users can enter into dialog there and ask questions or post their ideas. Tips and tricks for achieving the perfect solution can also be found there. Furthermore, up-to-date versions of all documents can be found quickly and centrally in the ctrlX developR Community.

To the ctrlX developR Community

ctrlX OS Store
Image of a computer monitor showing the ctrlX Store

The ctrlX OS Store offers apps from Bosch Rexroth and third-party providers for downloading as well as applications and libraries for creating individual apps. Everything works according to the principle of maximum freedom here. Users can download apps from Bosch Rexroth or third-party providers from the partner world ctrlX World straight onto their PCs and acquire the necessary licenses. Thanks to the digital service, a wide range of apps for all industrial automation tasks is available: These include AI apps for improving production and other processes, solutions for MES connectivity, voice recognition, network IT security, HMI visualization and much more.

As a result, the range of functions offered by an automation solution, e.g. the control system ctrlX CORE, can be individually expanded at any time if the requirements increase for example. All apps can be made available on a device quickly and easily. Thanks to Linux Ubuntu, the applications are incredibly easy to handle – they can be handled centrally and automatically via the ctrlX Device Portal. The apps can also be assigned directly to various devices there.

To the ctrlX OS Store

ctrlX Device Portal
Image of a computer monitor showing the ctrlX Device Portal

The ctrlX Device Portal is a web-based tool that provides users with a transparent overview of all existing devices, licenses and apps, which they can also manage.

Moreover, with the premium functions of the ctrlX Device Portal, users can bring their device management to the next level! They can significantly increase the efficiency of their device handling because they hold the "virtual threads" of control systems ctrlX CORE centrally. With this service, users can launch new software functions, install updates, manage and maintain device settings, or carry out remote maintenance – easily and securely thanks to encryption. As a result, adopters are always up to date.

Users from different countries have remote access with no need for additional infrastructure. This means they can install security updates and new functions, manage backups and retrieve information about available updates and extensions – no matter where they are.

The ctrlX Device Portal, makes significant savings possible when maintaining and servicing devices.

More Information   Free trial access

ctrlX Configurator
Image of a computer monitor showing the ctrlX Configurator

With the ctrlX Configurator, individual automation solutions can be created, configured and made more efficient. The configurator supports the entire ctrlX AUTOMATION portfolio – easily, quickly and reliably. The desired system topologies can be created graphically and requested by users – even without in-depth knowledge. Round the clock. Worldwide.

The advantages of the digital service include simplicity thanks to the automatic checking of dependencies and the displaying of the configuration status of the products used. The tool allows configuration with application-related data, the automatic selection of suitable products and a dynamic 3D product preview.

Users benefit from intuitive and flexible options to ensure the quick availability of consistent solution configurations. Product documents, CAD data and EPLAN macros are available for downloading for this purpose.  Links to further documentation such as operating instructions complement the information on offer.

To the ctrlX Configurator

ctrlX Digital Service Assistant
Image of a tablet and a mobile phone, the monitors show the  the ctrlX Digital Service Assistant app

Your personal assistant for industrial automation. The ctrlX Digital Service Assistant is available round the clock on your smartphone, tablet or PC. As a result, you can access services wherever you happen to be. The integrated Service Indicator provides an insight into the status of a device. The digital service allows direct contact with the helpdesk so that help can be provided quickly when needed.

With the ctrlX Digital Service Assistant, services such as the hotline or spare parts and repairs inquiries can be used via smartphone within the production environment itself. The app is very user friendly and makes it easier to identify components. Information can easily be obtained from devices and the correct steps taken on this basis. If necessary, users can pass on all relevant data directly to Bosch Rexroth. And you can enjoy additional benefits if you register your Bosch Rexroth components.

The resulting reduction in downtimes helps to reduce costs and increase productivity.

Open on the web:

Digital Service Assistant website

Download as an app:
Google Play   App Store

How to videos: Documentation, Repair request, Replacement request

Image of a computer monitor showing the online documentation

With “Docs”, Bosch Rexroth supports the successful practical use of ctrlX AUTOMATION components. Here, users can easily access all product-related information that they need for their work with the automation toolkit. Operating instructions, technical data, safety information and much more – up-to-date useful information is available from a central point at any time. Search-optimized or tag-based algorithms help you to find the right content quickly. All documents can be downloaded as PDFs, thus ensuring that the information can also be used offline.

To Dokumentation

Simulation models
Image of a computer monitor showing a ctrlX WORKS simulation model

Bosch Rexroth offers virtual commissioning solutions for its automation products which allow processes or the behavior of a machine to be tested in advance.  This ensures safe and more efficient processes during development, actual commissioning and ongoing operation. This results in a low error rate in practice, optimized production processes and short lead times – also thanks to precise forecasts.

The virtual version of the control platform ctrlX CORE allows users to use ctrlX CORE for engineering tasks for example but without using real control hardware on a PC. All applications which are not dependent on communication with real hardware can be installed virtually and run.

Bosch Rexroth offers simulation models for the drive system ctrlX DRIVE aimed at various common simulation environments. They replicate the status and communication behavior as well as the control behavior of the ctrlX DRIVE and can therefore be used for virtual commissioning and optimization of drive systems.

If desired, Bosch Rexroth can provide support with relevant expert know-how in the form of simulation services. In addition, partner apps from the ctrlX World can be used for various simulation applications.

To ctrlX Store                 More about virtual engineering

Software Development Kit (SDK)
Image of a computer monitor showing the ctrlX AUTOMATION Software Development Kit (SDK)

The Software Development Kit for ctrlX OS is another digital service which makes it easier to develop apps, including apps for the Linux-based control system ctrlX CORE. Existing code can easily be integrated. This allows individual applications to be implemented quickly and easily. All necessary tools, libraries etc. are already integrated.

The scope for action is practically endless thanks to support for numerous programming languages such as C++, Python and C# to name but a few. Developers can integrate their own in-house developed apps into the system and thus use all the available security mechanisms. The apps communicate with the system or with other apps via the ctrlX Data Layer.

In addition to tools, libraries, documentation and code samples, the Software Development Kit also includes a description of the REST API that can be used to connect new software projects. A detailed manual provides assistance when setting up the development environment.

The ctrlX OS SDK can be downloaded from the ctrlX OS Store or on the GitHub development platform.

SDK on GitHub

EPLAN and MCAD generators
Image of a computer monitor showing the EPLAN generator

The EPLAN software rounds off the portfolio of digital services and helps to make challenging engineering processes easier. The ctrlX Configurator offers access to EPLAN and CAD data. In addition, device data for Bosch Rexroth products can be created via the EPLAN Generator web application on the basis of a unique type code.

To the ctrlX Configurator   To the EPLAN Generator

The future of automation – Part 4

Automation needs its own service world
The world of automation is changing. New service concepts geared to reliability, future viability and the digital revolution are needed here. A mix of classic and digital services over the entire product life cycle is required. Find out more about the new service world in our whitepaper.

Get your free whitepaper – Part 4!