Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpiCore)  1.26.2
EtherCAT information
Collaboration diagram for EtherCAT information:


MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetTopologyStatus (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, MlpiEthercatTopologyStatus *topologyStatus, ULONG *numChanges)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetConfigFiles (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const WCHAR16 *iniPathFileName, const WCHAR16 *eniPathFileName)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetMasterState (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, MlpiEthercatState *state)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetMasterStatus (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, ULONG *status)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetNumConfiguredSlaves (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, ULONG *numSlaves)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetNumConnectedSlaves (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, ULONG *numSlaves)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveState (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType, const USHORT address, USHORT *currentState, USHORT *requestedState)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveStatus (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType, const USHORT address, ULONG *status)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveOnlineInfo (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType, const USHORT address, MlpiEthercatSlaveOnlineInfo *slaveOnlineInfo)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveConfigInfo (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType, const USHORT address, MlpiEthercatSlaveConfigInfo *slaveConfigInfo)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetVendorInfo (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG vendorId, MlpiEthercatVendorInfo *vendorInfo)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetBusScanStatus (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, MLPIRESULT *status, ULONG *slaveCount)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetBusScanSlaveInfo (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const USHORT autoIncAddr, MlpiEthercatSlaveBusScanInfo *slaveBusScanInfo, const ULONG numElements, ULONG *numElementsRet)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetProcessData (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, const MlpiEthercatProcessDataType pdType, const ULONG offset, UCHAR *data, const ULONG dataSize, ULONG *dataSizeRet)
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetProcessDataSize (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const ULONG interfaceNumber, ULONG *numOutputBytes, ULONG *numInputBytes)

Detailed Description

Contains functions to read information of the EtherCAT master and its slaves.

Function Documentation

MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetTopologyStatus ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
MlpiEthercatTopologyStatus topologyStatus,
ULONG numChanges 

This function returns the status of topology detection.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]topologyStatusStatus of topology detection.
[out]numChangesNumber of topology changes (incremented each time a topology change event occurs).
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Return the status of topology detection.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatTopologyStatus topologyStatus = MLPI_ETHERCAT_TOPOLOGY_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
4 ULONG numChanges = 0;
5 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetTopologyStatus(connection, interfaceNumber, &topologyStatus, &numChanges);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetConfigFiles ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const WCHAR16 iniPathFileName,
const WCHAR16 eniPathFileName 

This function returns the master configuration (files will be stored on local drive of control).

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]iniPathFileNamePath and filename of master configuration file (Bosch Rexroth specific).
[in]eniPathFileNamePath and filename of EtherCAT network information file.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Return the master configuration (files will be stored on local drive of control).
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 WCHAR16 iniPathFileName[] = L"/USER/EtherCAT.ini";
4 WCHAR16 eniPathFileName[] = L"/USER/EtherCAT.xml";
5 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetConfigFiles(connection, interfaceNumber, iniPathFileName, eniPathFileName);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetMasterState ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
MlpiEthercatState state 

This function returns the current master state.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]stateCurrent master state.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the current master state.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatState state = MLPI_ETHERCAT_STATE_UNKNOWN;
4 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetMasterState(connection, interfaceNumber, &state);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetMasterStatus ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
ULONG status 

This function returns the master status.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]statusMaster status.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the master status.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 ULONG status = 0;
4 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetMasterStatus(connection, interfaceNumber, &status);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetNumConfiguredSlaves ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
ULONG numSlaves 

This function returns the number of configured slaves.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]numSlavesNumber of configured slaves.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the number of configured slaves.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 ULONG numSlaves = 0;
4 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetNumConfiguredSlaves(connection, interfaceNumber, &numSlaves);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetNumConnectedSlaves ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
ULONG numSlaves 

This function returns the number of connected slaves.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]numSlavesNumber of connected slaves.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the number of connected slaves.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 ULONG numSlaves = 0;
4 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetNumConnectedSlaves(connection, interfaceNumber, &numSlaves);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveState ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const MlpiEthercatAddressType  addressType,
const USHORT  address,
USHORT currentState,
USHORT requestedState 

This function returns the current and requested slave state.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]addressTypeAddress type.
[in]addressSlave address (depending on addressType).
[out]currentStateCurrent slave state.
[out]requestedStateRequested slave state.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the current and requested slave state.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType = MLPI_ETHERCAT_AUTO_INCREMENT;
4 USHORT address = 0;
5 USHORT currentState = 0;
6 USHORT requestedState = 0;
7 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetSlaveState(connection, interfaceNumber, addressType, address, &currentState, &requestedState);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveStatus ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const MlpiEthercatAddressType  addressType,
const USHORT  address,
ULONG status 

This function returns the slave status.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]addressTypeAddress type.
[in]addressSlave address (depending on addressType).
[out]statusSlave status.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the slave status.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType = MLPI_ETHERCAT_AUTO_INCREMENT;
4 USHORT address = 0;
5 ULONG status = 0;
6 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetSlaveStatus(connection, interfaceNumber, addressType, address, &status);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveOnlineInfo ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const MlpiEthercatAddressType  addressType,
const USHORT  address,
MlpiEthercatSlaveOnlineInfo slaveOnlineInfo 

This function returns information about a slave connected to the EtherCAT bus.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]addressTypeAddress type.
[in]addressSlave address (depending on addressType).
[out]slaveOnlineInfoSlave online information.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get information about a slave connected to the EtherCAT bus.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType = MLPI_ETHERCAT_AUTO_INCREMENT;
4 USHORT address = 0;
5 MlpiEthercatSlaveOnlineInfo slaveOnlineInfo;
6 memset (&slaveOnlineInfo, 0, sizeof(MlpiEthercatSlaveOnlineInfo));
7 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetSlaveOnlineInfo(connection, interfaceNumber, addressType, address, &slaveOnlineInfo);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetSlaveConfigInfo ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const MlpiEthercatAddressType  addressType,
const USHORT  address,
MlpiEthercatSlaveConfigInfo slaveConfigInfo 

This function returns information about a slave configured within the ENI file.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]addressTypeAddress type.
[in]addressSlave address (depending on addressType).
[out]slaveConfigInfoSlave configuration information.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get information about a slave configured within the ENI file.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatAddressType addressType = MLPI_ETHERCAT_AUTO_INCREMENT;
4 USHORT address = 0;
5 MlpiEthercatSlaveConfigInfo slaveConfigInfo;
6 memset (&slaveConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(MlpiEthercatSlaveConfigInfo));
7 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetSlaveConfigInfo(connection, interfaceNumber, addressType, address, &slaveConfigInfo);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetVendorInfo ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  vendorId,
MlpiEthercatVendorInfo vendorInfo 

This function returns the vendor information which is connected to a specific vendor id.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]vendorIdEtherCAT vendor id.
[out]vendorInfoVendor information.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Get the vendor information which is connected to a specific vendor id.
2 ULONG vendorId = 1;
3 MlpiEthercatVendorInfo vendorInfo;
4 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetVendorInfo(connection, vendorId, &vendorInfo);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetBusScanStatus ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
ULONG slaveCount 

This function returns the status of the bus scan.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]statusStatus indicating if bus scan has been executed or not.
[out]slaveCountNumber of connected slaves (in case of executed bus scan).
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Return the status of the bus scan.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MLPIRESULT status = 0;
4 ULONG slaveCount = 0;
5 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetBusScanStatus(connection, interfaceNumber, &status, &slaveCount);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetBusScanSlaveInfo ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const USHORT  autoIncAddr,
MlpiEthercatSlaveBusScanInfo slaveBusScanInfo,
const ULONG  numElements,
ULONG numElementsRet 

This function returns the slave information collected during bus scan.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]autoIncAddrAuto increment address from which on slave infos should be returned.
[out]slaveBusScanInfoPointer to slave infos.
[in]numElementsNumber of elements provided by slaveBusScanInfo.
[out]numElementsRetNumber of elements written to slaveBusScanInfo.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Return the slave information collected during bus scan.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 USHORT autoIncAddr = 5;
4 ULONG numElements = 128;
5 MlpiEthercatSlaveBusScanInfo slaveBusScanInfo[numElements];
6 ULONG numElementsRet = 0;
7 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetBusScanSlaveInfo(connection, interfaceNumber, autoIncAddr, slaveBusScanInfo, numElements, &numElementsRet);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetProcessData ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
const MlpiEthercatProcessDataType  pdType,
const ULONG  offset,
UCHAR data,
const ULONG  dataSize,
ULONG dataSizeRet 

This function reads process data (consistent) and returns them as byte stream.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[in]pdTypeProcess data type.
[in]offsetByte offset inside process data (where reading starts).
[out]dataPointer to data image where data will be copied to. pbyData has to provide at least ulNumBytes of space.
[in]dataSizeNumber of bytes to be read.
[out]dataSizeRetNumber of bytes used.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Read process data (consistent) and returns them as byte stream.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 MlpiEthercatProcessDataType pdType = MLPI_ETHERCAT_PD_TYPE_INPUTS;
4 ULONG offset = 2;
5 UCHAR data[100] = {0};
6 ULONG dataSize = _countof(data);
7 ULONG dataSizeRet = 0;
8 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetProcessData(connection, interfaceNumber, pdType, offset, data, dataSize, &dataSizeRet);
MLPIRESULT mlpiEthercatGetProcessDataSize ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const ULONG  interfaceNumber,
ULONG numOutputBytes,
ULONG numInputBytes 

This function returns the size of the current process data image, e.g. use for diagnosis purpose.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]interfaceNumberMaster interface number.
[out]numOutputBytesSize of output image in bytes.
[out]numInputBytesSize of image image in bytes.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // Read the size of the current process data image, e.g. use for diagnosis purpose.
2 ULONG interfaceNumber = 0;
3 ULONG numOutputBytes = 0;
4 ULONG numInputBytes = 0;
5 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiEthercatGetProcessDataSize(connection, interfaceNumber, &numOutputBytes, &numInputBytes);