Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4LabVIEW)  1.26.2
Movement Functions
Collaboration diagram for Movement Functions:


MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGetStatus (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, const MLPIMOTIONHANDLE motionHandle, MlpiMotionStatus *status)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPower (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionPower *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionStop (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionStop *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionHome (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionChangeFlexProfileSet (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, const MlpiMotionFlexProfileStep *paramSet, const ULONG numElements, const DOUBLE masterVel, const MlpiProfileSetSelection set)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveVelocity (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveVelocity *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveAbsolute (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveAbsolute *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveAdditive (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveAdditive *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveRelative (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMoveRelative *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionTorqueControl (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionTorqueControl *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicPosition (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionCyclic *paramSet, const ULONG numElements=1)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicVelocity (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionCyclic *paramSet, const ULONG numElements=1)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicAnalog (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionCyclic *paramSet, const ULONG numElements=1)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicTorque (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionCyclic *paramSet, const ULONG numElements=1)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionControlOn (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionControlOff (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionAddAxisToGroup (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionAdminAxisGroup *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionRemAxisFromGroup (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionAdminAxisGroup *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGearIn (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionGearIn *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGearInPos (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionGearInPos *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionCamIn (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionCamIn *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMotionProfile (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionMotionProfile *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionFlexProfile (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionFlexProfile *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionSynchronOut (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiAxisRef axis, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPhasing (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionPhasing *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPhasingSlave (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiMotionPhasing *paramSet, MLPIMOTIONHANDLE *motionHandle)

Detailed Description

The following functions can be used to command and move an axis. The following axis shows how to do a single axis movement. For this example to work, you need to add an axis to your axis configuration and switch the control to BB. It is recommended to do this using IndraWorks.

If you get a permission error, when trying to move an axis, then the user profile you are using does not have enough permissions. See Permission and user management which explains the permission handling of the MLPI. See mlpiApiConnect on how to login as a different user.

We begin the example by checking if the axis is available and what type of axis we want to move. Only virtual and real axis can be commanded.

MlpiAxisRef axis(1); // change to select an available axis number
// let's read the axis type to check if this example is working with the given
// axis address
USHORT axisType;
MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionGetAxisType(connection, axis, &axisType);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)){
printf("\nCould not read axis type of axis %d with error 0x%08x. Is the axis address correct and the axis configured?", axis.axisNo, result);
return -1;
if (MlpiAxisTypeDecoder(axisType).Type() != MLPI_AXISTYPE_REAL && MlpiAxisTypeDecoder(axisType).Type() != MLPI_AXISTYPE_VIRTUAL) {
printf("\nThis example is only working with real or virtual axis!");
return -1;

The following lines perform a check to make sure that we can move the axis and that there are no configuration errors.

// check if axis is referenced.
ULONG axisState = 0;
result = mlpiMotionGetState(connection, axis, &axisState);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// we use the helper struct from #include <util/mlpiMotionHelper.h> to decode the axisState
MlpiAxisStateDecoder state = axisState;
if (state.Error()) {
// axis is in error state. Clear error!
result = mlpiMotionClearError(connection, axis);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
if (!state.InAb()) {
// axis needs to be in AB. Otherwise, we cannot switch to power or home.
printf("\nAxis is not in AB. Cannot continue with example. Switch axis to AB and start example again!");
return -1;
if (!state.Homed()) {
// axis is not homed, let's set absolute measurement reference at current position
result = mlpiMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement(connection, axis);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\nCould not set absolute reference. This example needs an axis with absolute encoder! Error: 0x%08x", (unsigned)result);
return -1;

We are now ready to start the axis movement. Please note that all axis command functions have asynchronous behavior. This means that when the MLPI function returns, the command has not been finished yet. It might even not have been started yet. The function tells the axis to abort the current command and start with the new movement as soon as possible (e.g. next motion cycle). After setting the new command, the MLPI function returns immediately. It returns an error code if the new command has not been accepted by the axis. If the motion command has been accepted, the axis will start to execute your command. For example, moving to a given absolute position if you have commanded it using mlpiMotionMoveAbsolute. Other than the return code, the movement function also returns a so called 'Motion-Handle' (MLPIMOTIONHANDLE) as a output argument. You can use this output handle at any time with the function mlpiMotionGetStatus to check the current state of the axis movement. This way, you can check if the axis has already finished the movement (e.g. reached the target position) or an error has occurred.

In the example below, the helper function utilMotionWait is used to poll if the axis has finished the given motion command. It blocks the current thread until the command has been finished by the axis. It is also possible to give a timeout to the function. Have a look at the source code of utilMotionWait to see an example of how mlpiMotionGetStatus can be used.

// we need a motion handle for our motion commands
// switch power ON
if (MlpiAxisTypeDecoder(axisType).Type() == MLPI_AXISTYPE_REAL) {
MlpiMotionPower cmdPower;
cmdPower.axis = axis;
cmdPower.power = TRUE;
result = mlpiMotionPower(connection, &cmdPower, &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// wait until command power on is finished and axis has power
result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle, 1000);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// let's do some absolute positioning (MoveAbsolute)
const MlpiMotionMoveAbsolute cmdAbsolute[] = {
// Pos Vel Acc Dec Jrk
{axis, 0, 100, 10, 10, 0},
{axis, 90, 100, 40, 10, 0},
{axis, 180, 50, 10, 10, 0},
{axis, 270, 100, 40, 5, 0},
{axis, 90, 100, 40, 5, 0},
{axis, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0}
for (ULONG i=0; i<_countof(cmdAbsolute); i++) {
printf("\nNew MoveAbsolute to position %lf", cmdAbsolute[i].position);
// command MoveAbsolute to axis
result = mlpiMotionMoveAbsolute(connection, &cmdAbsolute[i], &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// wait until command power on is finished and has reached target position
result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle, 10000);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// try some velocity movement (MoveVelocity)
const MlpiMotionMoveVelocity cmdVelocity[] = {
// Vel Acc Dec Jrk
{axis, 100, 10, 10, 0},
{axis, 500, 40, 10, 0},
{axis, 50, 10, 10, 0},
{axis, 500, 40, 5, 0},
{axis, 100, 40, 5, 0},
{axis, 500, 10, 10, 0}
for (ULONG i=0; i<_countof(cmdAbsolute); i++) {
printf("\nNew MoveVelocity to velocity %lf", cmdVelocity[i].velocity);
// command MoveVelocity to axis
result = mlpiMotionMoveVelocity(connection, &cmdVelocity[i], &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// wait until command power on is finished and has reached target velocity
result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle, 10000);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// STOP axis
cmdStop.axis = axis;
cmdStop.stop = TRUE;
cmdStop.deceleration = 100;
cmdStop.jerk = 0;
// command Stop to axis
result = mlpiMotionStop(connection, &cmdStop, &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// wait until axis has stopped
result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle, 10000);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// after the axis stops, we have to call the stop command again
// with "FALSE" to release axis from "STOPPED" state.
// As long as the axis is in state "STOPPED", no other motion commands
// will be allowed!
cmdStop.stop = FALSE;
result = mlpiMotionStop(connection, &cmdStop, &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// switch power OFF
if (MlpiAxisTypeDecoder(axisType).Type() == MLPI_AXISTYPE_REAL) {
MlpiMotionPower cmdPower;
cmdPower.axis = axis;
cmdPower.power = FALSE;
result = mlpiMotionPower(connection, &cmdPower, &motionHandle);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;
// wait until command power on is finished and axis has power off
result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle, 1000);
if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
return -1;

Function Documentation

MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGetStatus ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,
const MLPIMOTIONHANDLE  motionHandle,
MlpiMotionStatus status 

This function reads the status of a motion command.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[in]motionHandleHandle of the motion command where the status should be requested.
[out]statusPointer to data where status will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPower ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionPower paramSet,

This function commands power to the drive. This is only necessary for a real axis. Virtual axis can be moved without giving power to the axis.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See Movement Functions
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionStop ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionStop paramSet,

This function commands a stop of motion to the drive.

After calling this function with TRUE you have to call it again with FALSE to get axis from state 'Stopping' to state 'Standstill' command and to make the axis accept new commands.
[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetReference to the axis that should be stopped.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See Movement Functions
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionHome ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function commands to home an axis. Only axes with incremental encoders can be homed. If the axis has an absolute encoder, the command "set absolute measurement" must be used.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
2 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionHome(connection, 1, &motionHandle);
3 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
4  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
5  return -1;
6 }
8 // wait till homing is finished
9 result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle);
10 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
11  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
12  return -1;
13 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis 

This function commands to "set absolute measurement" of an axis. Only axis with absolute encoders can be used with this function.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See Movement Functions
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionChangeFlexProfileSet ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,
const MlpiMotionFlexProfileStep paramSet,
const ULONG  numElements,
const DOUBLE  masterVel,
const MlpiProfileSetSelection  set 

This function writes all parameters necessary to configure a flex profile.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[in]paramSetPointer to array of structures containing the parameters for the flex profile.
[in]numElementsNumber of structures passed.
[in]masterVelMaster velocity for given flex profiles.
[in]setSet where flex profile should be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 MlpiMotionFlexProfileStep profile[2];
2 memset(profile, 0, sizeof(profile));
4 // first step in profile is rest in rest poly5
5 profile[0].camShaftDistance = 180.0; // on 180 degrees of master axis travel..
6 profile[0].range = 180.0; // ...move the slave axis by 180 degrees
7 profile[0].motionLaw = MLPI_REST_IN_REST_POLY5;
8 profile[0].master = MLPI_MASTER_AXIS0;
9 profile[0].startVel = 0.0;
10 profile[0].startAcc = 0.0;
11 profile[0].endVel = 0.0;
12 profile[0].endAcc = 0.0;
13 profile[0].turningPointDisplacement = 0.5;
15 // second step in profile is a rest in rest sinusoidal
16 profile[1].camShaftDistance = 180.0; // on 180 degrees of master axis travel..
17 profile[1].range = -180.0; // ...reverse the slave axis by 180 degrees
18 profile[1].motionLaw = MLPI_REST_IN_REST_MOD_SINE;
19 profile[1].master = MLPI_MASTER_AXIS0;
20 profile[1].startVel = 0.0;
21 profile[1].startAcc = 0.0;
22 profile[1].endVel = 0.0;
23 profile[1].endAcc = 0.0;
24 profile[1].turningPointDisplacement = 0.5;
26 // write the profile to slave axis 1 onto set 0.
27 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionChangeFlexProfileSet(connection, 1, profile, 2, 10, MLPI_PROFILE_SET_0);
28 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)){
29  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
30  return -1;
31 }
33 // next step would be to start the profile on the slave axis using mlpiMotionFlexProfile()...
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveVelocity ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveVelocity paramSet,

This function commands a velocity movement. Once the commanded velocity had been reached, the axis will continue to run with this velocity until another command is issued.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See Movement Functions
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute paramSet,

This function commands a movement to a position where a commanded velocity is reached. Once this position is reached, the axis will continue to run with the commanded velocity until another command is issued.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // command continuous absolute movement with end velocity 100 at position 50
4 MlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute cmdMoveConAbs;
5 cmdMoveConAbs.axis = 1;
6 cmdMoveConAbs.position = 50;
7 cmdMoveConAbs.endVelocity = 100;
8 cmdMoveConAbs.velocity = 100;
9 cmdMoveConAbs.acceleration = 10;
10 cmdMoveConAbs.deceleration = 10;
11 cmdMoveConAbs.jerk = 0;
14 // do the command
15 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionMoveContinuousAbsolute(connection, &cmdMoveConAbs, &motionHandle);
16 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
17  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
18  return -1;
19 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative paramSet,

This function commands a movement of a specified relative distance ending with the specified velocity. Once this distance is reached, the axis will continue to run with the commanded velocity until another command is issued.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // command continuous relative movement with end velocity 100 and a distance of 200
4 MlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative cmdMoveConRel;
5 cmdMoveConRel.axis = 1;
6 cmdMoveConRel.distance = 200;
7 cmdMoveConRel.endVelocity = 100;
8 cmdMoveConRel.velocity = 100;
9 cmdMoveConRel.acceleration = 10;
10 cmdMoveConRel.deceleration = 10;
11 cmdMoveConRel.jerk = 0;
14 // do the command
15 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionMoveContinuousRelative(connection, &cmdMoveConRel, &motionHandle);
16 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
17  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
18  return -1;
19 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveAbsolute ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveAbsolute paramSet,

This function commands an absolute movement. This means that the axis will move to a given target position.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See Movement Functions
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveAdditive ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveAdditive paramSet,

This function commands an additive movement. The additive position is added to the target position and is used as new target. It can be used to add a relative position to the already commanded movement.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // command a move relative by 90 degrees/millimeter on axis 1
4 MlpiMotionMoveAdditive cmdMoveAdditive;
5 cmdMoveAdditive.axis = 1;
6 cmdMoveAdditive.distance = 90;
7 cmdMoveAdditive.velocity = 100;
8 cmdMoveAdditive.acceleration = 10;
9 cmdMoveAdditive.deceleration = 10;
10 cmdMoveAdditive.jerk = 0;
13 // do the command
14 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionMoveAdditive(connection, &cmdMoveAdditive, &motionHandle);
15 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
16  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
17  return -1;
18 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMoveRelative ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMoveRelative paramSet,

This function commands a relative movement. The relative position is added to the current position and is used as new target. The difference between this and an additive movement is that the position offset is added to the current position, not the target position. So a movement command which is currently running will be interrupted and only the position offset is added to the current position.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // command a move relative by 90 degrees/millimeter on axis 1
4 MlpiMotionMoveRelative cmdMoveRelative;
5 cmdMoveRelative.axis = 1;
6 cmdMoveRelative.distance = 90;
7 cmdMoveRelative.velocity = 100;
8 cmdMoveRelative.acceleration = 10;
9 cmdMoveRelative.deceleration = 10;
10 cmdMoveRelative.jerk = 0;
13 // do the command
14 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionMoveRelative(connection, &cmdMoveRelative, &motionHandle);
15 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
16  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
17  return -1;
18 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionTorqueControl ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionTorqueControl paramSet,

This function commands a move torque.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

The following functions all deal with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This is used to be able to generate your own profiles. This is contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a "channel" must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written every motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic data will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive you might want to have a look at the function mlpiTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be canceled using any other single or synchronous motion command. Prior to opening a cyclic channel, you should initialize the first channel value by using the corresponding write command (e.g. mlpiMotionWriteCyclicPosition).

This function opens a cyclic channel for cyclic position commands.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function opens a cyclic channel for cyclic velocity commands.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function opens a cyclic channel for cyclic analogue commands.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function opens a cyclic channel for cyclic torque commands.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicPosition ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionCyclic paramSet,
const ULONG  numElements = 1 

This function commands a cyclic position. It is possible to give an array to paramSet and to set the position of several axes using one call only.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[in]numElementsNumber of given positions in paramSet.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicVelocity ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionCyclic paramSet,
const ULONG  numElements = 1 

This function commands a cyclic velocity. It is possible to give an array to paramSet and to set the velocity of several axes with only one call in this way.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[in]numElementsNumber of given velocities in paramSet.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicAnalog ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionCyclic paramSet,
const ULONG  numElements = 1 

This function commands a cyclic analog value. It is possible to give an array to paramSet and to set the velocity of several axes using only one call in this way.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[in]numElementsNumber of given analog values in paramSet.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionWriteCyclicTorque ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionCyclic paramSet,
const ULONG  numElements = 1 

This function commands a cyclic torque value. It is possible to give an array to paramSet and to set the torque of several axes with only one call in this way.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[in]numElementsNumber of given torque values in paramSet.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionControlOn ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function switches the axis to controlled motion.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionControlOff ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function switches the axis away from controlled motion.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionAddAxisToGroup ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionAdminAxisGroup paramSet,

This function adds an axis to a group.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing the information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionRemAxisFromGroup ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionAdminAxisGroup paramSet,

This function removes an axis from a group.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing the information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGearIn ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionGearIn paramSet,

This function commands velocity synchronization to the master.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // sync axis 2 to axis 1
2 MlpiMotionGearIn cmdGearIn;
3 cmdGearIn.master = 1; // master axis
4 cmdGearIn.axis = 2; // slave axis
5 cmdGearIn.numerator = 1;
6 cmdGearIn.denominator = 1;
7 cmdGearIn.fineadjust = 0;
9 // do the command
10 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionGearIn(connection, &cmdGearIn, &motionHandle);
11 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
12  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
13  return -1;
14 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionGearInPos ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionGearInPos paramSet,

This function commands position synchronization to the master.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // sync axis 2 to axis 1
4 MlpiMotionGearInPos cmdGearInPos;
5 cmdGearInPos.master = 1; // master axis
6 cmdGearInPos.axis = 2; // slave axis
7 cmdGearInPos.numerator = 1;
8 cmdGearInPos.denominator = 1;
9 cmdGearInPos.fineadjust = 0;
10 cmdGearInPos.startMode = MLPI_STARTMODE_ABSOLUTE;
11 cmdGearInPos.syncMode = MLPI_SYNC_SHORTESTWAY;
14 // do the command
15 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionGearInPos(connection, &cmdGearInPos, &motionHandle);
16 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
17  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
18  return -1;
19 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionCamIn ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionCamIn paramSet,

This function commands an axis to synchronize to the master by using a cam table.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionMotionProfile ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionMotionProfile paramSet,

This function commands an axis to synchronize to the master by using a motion profile. The command can only be used on IndraDrives with interpolation in the drive.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionFlexProfile ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionFlexProfile paramSet,

This function commands an axis to synchronize to the master by using a flex profile. The command can only be used on IndraDrives with interpolation in the control or with Sercos drives.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // start FlexProfile 0 on slave axis 2.
4 // note that you need to write a profile to axis 2 prior to
5 // starting the FlexProfile. Do this by using the function
6 // mlpiMotionChangeFlexProfile().
7 MlpiMotionFlexProfile cmdFlex;
8 cmdFlex.master = 1; // master axis
9 cmdFlex.axis = 2; // slave axis
10 cmdFlex.numerator = 1;
11 cmdFlex.denominator = 1;
12 cmdFlex.fineadjust = 0;
13 cmdFlex.profileEntry = MLPI_SLAVE_ORIGIN_MASTER_ORIGIN;
14 cmdFlex.executionMode = MLPI_EXECUTE_CYCLIC;
15 cmdFlex.masterOffset = 0;
16 cmdFlex.slaveOffset = 0;
17 cmdFlex.setSelection = MLPI_PROFILE_SET_0;
18 cmdFlex.switchingPosition = 0.0;
19 cmdFlex.useSwitchingPositioning = false;
20 cmdFlex.syncVelocity = 100;
21 cmdFlex.syncAcceleration = 100;
24 // do the command
25 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionFlexProfile(connection, &cmdFlex, &motionHandle);
26 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
27  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
28  return -1;
29 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionSynchronOut ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiAxisRef  axis,

This function commands an axis to become unsynchronized. The axis will continue to run with the velocity at the time the command was issued. Can be called after GearIn, GearInPos MotionProfile, FlexProfile and CamIn.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]axisReference to the axis.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
2 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionSynchronOut(connection, 1, &motionHandle);
3 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
4  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
5  return -1;
6 }
8 // wait until sync out is finished
9 result = utilMotionWait(connection, axis, motionHandle);
10 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
11  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
12  return -1;
13 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPhasing ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionPhasing paramSet,

This function commands an axis to perform a master phase offset when the drive is synchronized to the master. The command can also be executed when unsynchronized, but it will only take effect when the axis is synchronized.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // set the commanding values
4 MlpiMotionPhasing cmdPhasing;
5 cmdPhasing.axis = 1;
6 cmdPhasing.phaseShift = 90;
7 cmdPhasing.velocity = 100;
8 cmdPhasing.acceleration = 10;
9 cmdPhasing.deceleration = 10;
11 // do the command
12 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionPhasing(connection, &cmdPhasing, &motionHandle);
13 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
14  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
15  return -1;
16 }
MLPIRESULT mlpiMotionPhasingSlave ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiMotionPhasing paramSet,

This function commands an axis to perform a slave phase offset when the drive is synchronized to the master. The command can also be executed when unsynchronized, but it will only take effect when synchronizing the axis.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]paramSetStructure containing all information necessary for the command.
[out]motionHandlePointer to value where motion handle will be stored.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
3 // set the commanding values
4 MlpiMotionPhasing cmdPhasing;
5 cmdPhasing.axis = 1;
6 cmdPhasing.phaseShift = 90;
7 cmdPhasing.velocity = 100;
8 cmdPhasing.acceleration = 10;
9 cmdPhasing.deceleration = 10;
11 // do the command
12 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiMotionPhasingSlave(connection, &cmdPhasing, &motionHandle);
13 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
14  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
15  return -1;
16 }