Solutions are only as innovative, flexible and capable as the talented individuals who develop them. The ctrlX developR´s always have their finger on the pulse and ensure that Bosch Rexroth with ctrlX AUTOMATION is always TWO STEPS AHEAD. Whether it be IT security, IoT, machine learning, APIs, Software Development Kits, human interfaces… – they accept any challenge and become Game Changers in their particular field.
And when they are not turning the world of software upside down, you can meet them at the ctrlX developR Conference or you will find them supporting participants in the ctrlX developR Challenge. Would you like to know more? Then take a look at the ctrlX developR Series, where they answer questions on a wide range of topics relating to ctrlX AUTOMATION.
But because we like to think outside the box, we deliberately seek inspiration from outside too: In his videos, the influencer and development engineer Rajvir Singh tests ctrlX AUTOMATION including its hardware, software, apps and features and takes part in discussions with our ctrlX developR´s. His verdict: “ctrlX CORE is as easy as a smartphone.”