Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4MATLAB)  1.26.2
Collaboration diagram for MotionLib:
Motion Functions

Motion Functions


The motion function group provides functionality for defining axes, commanding motion, setting and getting axes information.

The conceptual difference between a drive or device and an axis is that a drive or device is the physical device that is connected to the sercos bus and can be configured via S- and P-parameters. An axis is assigned to a drive or device and is accessible through A-parameters. Multiple axes can be assigned to a drive or device (for example, one axis is a real axis that is moving the drive, a second axis is connected to the same drive, but implements an encoder axis).

Note You find a more detailed description of the concept of axes in the IndraWorks help system of the XLC/MLC product.

The m4MMotion* functions all deal with the motion of axes. The motion commands can be structured in single axis commands, where a single axis is moved, synchronous commands, where slave axes are moved in relation to a master and utility functions like power or homing of an axis.

Each motion command usually uses a set of input arguments to define the particular movement. The command will be executed in the motion-controller and returns a handle.

This handle can be used in following requests to get status information. The handle and the axis reference a particular motion command. One axis can have multiple active commands (e.g. power is switched on and a move is commanded). In contrast, an active motion command will be interrupted as soon as a new motion command is called.

More Information

For further information, refer to the mlpiCore documentation: MotionLib


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Move one of multiple axes synchonized by a CAM.


This function commands one or multiple axes to synchronize to one or multiple master axes by using a cam table.

Note: To use this function an IndraDrive with cam table functionality is required.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionCamIn(connection, axisRefMaster,...
axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust, camShaftDistance,...
startMode, syncMode, camTable)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionCamIn(connection, axisRefMaster,...
axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust, camShaftDistance,...
startMode, syncMode, camTable)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRefMaster defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the master axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

axisRefSlave defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the slave axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

numerator defines the numerator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

denominator defines the denominator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 an can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

fineadjust defines the gear fine adjust value(s) in percent. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

camShaftDistance defines the cam shaft distance value(s) in units according to the slave axis scaling. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

startMode defines how the synchronization is achived. The argument must be a MlpiStartMode enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

syncMode defines the direction of synchronization. The argument must be a MlpiSyncDirection and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

camTable defines the cam table to be used. The argument must be a MlpiCamTableID enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

There are the following combinations possible:

  • A slave axis can be assigned to one Master axis. E.g. m4MMotionCamIn(myCon,1,2,...).
  • Multiple slave axis can be assigned to one master axis or to multiple axes. E.g. m4MMotionCamIn(myCon,1,[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,...) or m4MMotionCamIn(myCon,[0,1;0,2],[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,...).

Arguments numerator to camTable are either scalar or a column vector with the same number of rows as the axisRefSlave matrix. A scalar is applied to all slave axes, the column vector can have individual values for each slave axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

Note: The sample below needs a cam table that is preconfigured in the drive.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionCamIn


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Create a flex profile.


This function writes all parameters necessary to configure one flex profile. Only one flex profile set can be generated per function call.


m4MMotionChangeFlexProfileSet(connection, axisRef, master, ...
camShaftDistance, range, motionLaw, stepType, startVel, startAcc, ...
startJrk, endVel, endAcc, endJrk, travelVel, limitAcc, limitJrk, ...
turningPointDisplacement, masterVel, setSelection)
result = m4MMotionChangeFlexProfileSet(connection, axisRef, master, ...
camShaftDistance, range, motionLaw, stepType, startVel, startAcc, ...
startJrk, endVel, endAcc, endJrk, travelVel, limitAcc, limitJrk, ...
turningPointDisplacement, masterVel, setSelection)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.

master defines the master type. The argument is a MlpiProfileMasterType enumeration.

camShaftDistance defines the the cam shaft distance (German: Hub). The argument must be a numeric value.

range defines the master range. The argument must be a numeric value.

motionLaw defines the motion law. The argument must be a MlpiLawType enumeration.

stepType defines the relation between master and slave. The argument must be a MlpiProfileStepType enumeration.

startVel defines the slave axis starting velocity. The argument must be a numeric value.

startAcc defines the slave axis starting acceleration. The argument must be a numeric value.

startJrk defines the slave axis starting jerk. The argument must be a numeric value.

endVel defines the slave axis ending velocity. The argument must be a numeric value.

endAcc defines the slave axis ending acceleration. The argument must be a numeric value.

endJrk defines the slave axis ending jerk. The argument must be a numeric value.

travelVel defines the slave axis velocity during the movement (not implemented for all motion laws). The argument must be a numeric value.

limitAcc defines the slave axis acceleration during the movement (not implemented for all motion laws). The argument mut be a numeric value.

limitJrk defines the slave axis jerk during movement (not implemented for all motion laws). The argument must be a numeric value.

turnPointDisp defines the displacement of point of inflection. The argument must be a numeric value.

masterVel defines the master axis velocity for the flex profile. The argument must be a numeric value.

setSelection defines the set number of the profile. The argument must be a MlpiProfileSetSelection enumeration.

Arguments master to turnPointDisp are either scalar or Mx1 column vectors. All arguments that are Mx1 column vectors must have the same number of rows M. M is the number of flex profile steps. If an argument is scalar the value is applied to all steps, a column vector can have individual values for each step.

Arguments masterVel and setSelection must be scalar.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionChangeFlexProfileSet


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Clear motion error of axes.


This function resets pending errors of one or multiple axes. An axis must not be in state Error when trying to switch power on or to move it.


m4MMotionClearError(connection, axisRef)
result = m4MMotionClearError(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionClearError


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Decode the state of an axis.


This function returns the decoded axis state information of the input argument codedAxisState. The function accepts a scalar input value only.


[decodedAxisState] = m4MMotionDecodeAxisState(codedAxisState)

Input Arguments

codedAxisState defines the coded axis state as returned by the function m4MMotionGetState. The argument must be scalar uint32 value.

Output Arguments

decodedAxisState contains information about the axis state. The argument is a scalar MlpiAxisStateDecoder structure.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetState


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Move one of multiple axes with flex profiles.


This function commands one or multiple axes to synchronize to a master by using a flex profile. The command can only be used on IndraDrives with interpolation in the motion-controller or with sercos drives.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionFlexProfile(connection, ...
axisRefMaster, axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust, ...
setSelection, useSwitchingPos, switchingPos, profileEntry, ...
masterOffset, slaveOffset, syncType, syncVel, syncAcc, exeMode)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionFlexProfile(connection, ...
axisRefMaster, axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust, ...
setSelection, useSwitchingPos, switchingPos, profileEntry, ...
masterOffset, slaveOffset, syncType, syncVel, syncAcc, exeMode)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRefMaster defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the master axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

axisRefSlave defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the slave axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

numerator defines the numerator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

denominator defines the denominator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 an can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

fineadjust defines the gear fine adjust value(s) in percent. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

setSelection defines the profile set(s) that will be used. The argument must be a MlpiProfileSetSelection enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

useSwitchingPos defines if switching positions will be used. The argument must be of type logical and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

switchingPos defines the switching position value(s). The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

profileEntry defines how the profile interprets the starting point(s). The argument must be a MlpiProfileStartPoint enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

masterOffset defines the master offset value(s). The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

slaveOffset defines the slave offset value(s). The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

syncType defines the type(s) of synchronization. The argument must be a MlpiSyncType enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

syncVel defines the maximum synchronization velocity. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

syncAcc defines the maximum synchronization acceleration. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

exeMode defines the execution mode(s). The argument must be a MlpiProfileExecutionMode enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

There are the following master/slave combinations possible:

  • A slave axis can be assigned to one Master axis. E.g. m4MMotionFlexProfile(myCon,1,2,...).
  • Multiple slave axis can be assigned to one master axis or to multiple master axes. E.g. m4MMotionFlexProfile(myCon,1,[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,...) or m4MMotionFlexProfile(myCon,[0,1;0,2],[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,...).

Parameters numerator to exeMode are either scalar or a column vector with the same number of rows as the axisRefSlave matrix. A scalar is applied to all slave axes, the column vector can have individual values for each slave axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionFlexProfile


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Move one of multiple axes position synchronized by an electronic gear.


This function commands position synchronization of one or multiple slave axes to one or multiple master axes. The synchronization is defined by a gear ratio. The gear ratio is calculated as i = (numerator / denominator) * (1 + fineadjust). Synchronization can be parameterized with startMode and syncMode.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionGearInPos(connection,...
axisRefMaster, axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust,...
startMode, syncMode)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionGearInPos(connection,...
axisRefMaster, axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust,...
startMode, syncMode)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRefMaster defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the master axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

axisRefSlave defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the slave axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

numerator defines the numerator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

denominator defines the denominator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 an can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

fineadjust defines the gear fine adjust value(s) in percent. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

startMode defines how the synchronization is achived. The argument must be a MlpiStartMode enumeration and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

syncMode defines the direction of synchronization. The argument must be a MlpiSyncDirection and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

There are the following combinations possible: * A slave axis can be assigned to one Master axis. E.g. m4MMotionGearInPos(myCon,1,2,num1,den1,fadj1,stMode1,syMode1).

  • Multiple slave axis can be assigned to one master axis or to multiple axes. E.g. m4MMotionGearInPos(myCon,1,[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,fadj1,stMode1,syMode1) or m4MMotionGearInPos(myCon,[0,1;0,2],[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,fadj1,stMode1,syMode1).

Arguments numerator to syncMode are either scalar or a column vector with the same number of rows as the axisRefSlave matrix. A scalar is applied to all slave axes, the column vector can have individual values for each slave axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGearInPos


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Move one of multiple axes synchronized by an electronic gear.


This function commands velocity synchronization of one or multiple slave axes to one or multiple master axes. The synchronization is defined by a gear ratio. The gear ratio is calculated as i = (numerator / denominator) * (1 + fineadjust).


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionGearIn(connection, axisRefMaster,...
axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionGearIn(connection, axisRefMaster,...
axisRefSlave, numerator, denominator, fineadjust)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRefMaster defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the master axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

axisRefSlave defines a matrix with axis and control numbers for the slave axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

numerator defines the numerator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

denominator defines the denominator value(s). The argument must be of type uint32 an can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

fineadjust defines the gear fine adjust value(s) in percent. The argument must be numeric and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

There are the following combinations possible:

  • A slave axis can be assigned to one master axis. E.g. m4MMotionGearIn(myCon,1,2,num1,den1,fadj1).
  • Multiple slave axis can be assigned to one or multiple master axes. E.g. m4MMotionGearIn(myCon,1,[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,fadj1) or m4MMotionGearIn(myCon,[0,1;0,2],[0,3;0,4],num1,den1,fadj1).

Arguments numerator to fineadjust are either scalar or a column vector with the same number of rows as the axisRefSlave matrix. A scalar is applied to all slave axes, the column vector can have individual values for each slave axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGearIn


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get acceleration scaling of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the coded acceleration scaling of one or multiple axes.


[accScaling]         = m4MMotionGetAccelerationScaling(connection,...
[accScaling, result] = m4MMotionGetAccelerationScaling(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

accScaling contains the coded acceleration scaling(s). The argument is of type uint16 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetAccelerationScaling


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the actual acceleration of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the actual acceleration of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller.


[acceleration]         = m4MMotionGetActualAcceleration(connection,...
[acceleration, result] = m4MMotionGetActualAcceleration(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

acceleration contains the actual acceleration value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetActualAcceleration


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the actual position of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the actual position of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller.


[position]         = m4MMotionGetActualPosition(connection, axisRef)
[position, result] = m4MMotionGetActualPosition(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

position contains the actual position value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetActualPosition


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the actual torque of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the actual torque of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller.


[torque]         = m4MMotionGetActualTorque(connection, axisRef)
[torque, result] = m4MMotionGetActualTorque(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

torque contains the actual torque value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetActualTorque


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the actual velocity of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the actual velocity of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller.


[velocity]         = m4MMotionGetActualVelocity(connection, axisRef)
[velocity, result] = m4MMotionGetActualVelocity(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

velocity contains the velocity value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetActualVelocity


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get type of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the type of one or multiple axes.


[axisType]         = m4MMotionGetAxisType(connection, axisRef)
[axisType, result] = m4MMotionGetAxisType(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

axisType contains the encoded type information of the defined axis. The argument is of type uint16 and is scalar or a Nx1 vector. In order to decode the information use the function m4MMotionDecodeAxisType.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetAxisType


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get values of one or multiple axes.


This function reads structures of values of one or multiple axes. You may want to use this structure to read several sets of axis information for several axes using one single function call during operation of the axes. This gives increased performance in comparison to reading the values bit by bit and axis by axis.


[axisValues]         = m4MMotionGetAxisValues(connection, axisRef)
[axisValues, result] = m4MMotionGetAxisValues(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

axisValues is a Nx1 array of MlpiAxisValues structures with the operation information about the axes.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetAxisValues


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get list of configured axes.


This function returns a list of configured axes and the number of configured axes. The maximum number of readable axis is 100.


[configAxes, numElementsRet]         = m4MMotionGetConfiguredAxes(...
[configAxes, numElementsRet, result] = m4MMotionGetConfiguredAxes(...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

Output Arguments

configAxes contains an Mx1 matrix of MlpiAxisInformation structures.

numElementsRet contains the number M of configured axes. The argument is of type uint32.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetConfiguredAxis


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the interpolated position of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the interpolated position of one or multiple axes on motion-controller.


[position]         = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedPosition(connection,...
[position, result] = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedPosition(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

position contains the interpolated position value(s). The argument is of type double and is scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetInterpolatedPosition


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the interpolated torque of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the interpolated torque of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller. The function can be used with real axes only.


[torque]         = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedTorque(connection, axisRef)
[torque, result] = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedTorque(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

torque contains the interpolated torque value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetInterpolatedTorque


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the interpolated velocity of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the interpolated velocity of one or multiple axes on a motion-controller.


[velocity]         = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedVelocity(connection,...
[velocity, result] = m4MMotionGetInterpolatedVelocity(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

velocity contains the interpolated velocity value(s). The argument is of type double and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetInterpolatedVelocity


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get modulo of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the modulo of one or multiple axes.


[axisModulo]         = m4MMotionGetModulo(connection, axisRef)
[axisModulo, result] = m4MMotionGetModulo(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

axisModulo contains the encoded type information of the defined axis. The argument is of type uint16 and is scalar or a Nx1 vector. In order to decode the information use the function m4MMotionDecodeModulo.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetModulo


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get position scaling of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the coded position scaling of one or multiple axes.


[posScaling]         = m4MMotionGetPositionScaling(connection, axisRef)
[posScaling, result] = m4MMotionGetPositionScaling(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

posScaling contains the coded position scaling(s). The argument is of type uint16 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetPositionScaling


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get extended state of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the extended state of one or multiple axes.

The state information that is returned corresponds to the PLCopen state information. If state information according to IEC61131-3 function blocks is needed, refer to the function m4MMotionGetState.


[axisState]         = m4MMotionGetStateExtended(connection, axisRef)
[axisState, result] = m4MMotionGetStateExtended(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

axisState contains the encoded extended state information of the defined axis. The argument is of type uint32 and is scalar or a Nx1 vector. In order to decode the information use the function m4MMotionDecodeAxisStateExtended.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetStateExtended


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get state of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the state of one or multiple axes.

The state information that is returned corresponds to the output signals of IEC61131-3 function blocks. If PLCopen state information is needed, refer to the function m4MMotionGetStateExtended.


[axisState]         = m4MMotionGetState(connection, axisRef)
[axisState, result] = m4MMotionGetState(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

axisState contains the encoded state information of the defined axis. The argument is of type uint32 and is scalar or a Nx1 vector. In order to decode the information use the function m4MMotionDecodeAxisState.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetState


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get the status of one or multiple movement commands.


This function reads the status of one or multiple motion commands.


[status]         = m4MMotionGetStatus(connection, axisRef, motionHandle)
[status, result] = m4MMotionGetStatus(connection, axisRef, motionHandle)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

motionHandle defined the handle(s) to the motion command(s) which were returned by the corresponding m4MMotion functions.

Output Arguments

status contains the status of the motion command(s). The argument contains a single or multiple MlpiMotionStatus structures as 1x1 or Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetStatus


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Get velocity scaling of one or multiple axes.


This function reads the coded velocity scaling of one or multiple axes.


[velScaling]         = m4MMotionGetVelocityScaling(connection, axisRef)
[velScaling, result] = m4MMotionGetVelocityScaling(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

velScaling contains the coded velocity scaling(s). The argument is of type uint16 and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionGetVelocityScaling


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Home one or multiple axes.


This function commands the homing of one or multiple axes. Only axes with incremental encoders can be homed. If the axis has an absolute encoder, the command m4MMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement must be used.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionHome(connection, axisRef)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionHome(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionHome


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Move one or multiple axes to an absolute position.


This function commands an absolute position movement. This means that one or multiple axes will move to defined target positions.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionMoveAbsolute(connection, axisRef,...
position, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionMoveAbsolute(connection, axisRef,...
position, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

position defines the absolute position value(s).

velocity defines the maximum velocity value(s).

acceleration defines the maximum acceleration value(s).

deceleration defines the maximum deceleration value(s).

jerk defines the jerk value(s).

The arguments position to jerk can either be scalar or Nx1 matrices. If the argument is scalar it is applied to all axes. If the argument is a Nx1 matrix it must contain a value for each axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionMoveAbsolute


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Command additive position movement of one or multiple axes.


This function commands an additive movement of one or multiple axes. The additive position is added to the target position and is used as new target. It can be used to add a relative position to the already commanded movement.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionMoveAdditive(connection, axisRef,...
distance, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionMoveAdditive(connection, axisRef,...
distance, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

distance defines the additive distance value(s).

velocity defines the maximum velocity value(s).

acceleration defines the maximum acceleration value(s).

deceleration defines the maximum deceleration value(s).

jerk defines the jerk value(s).

The arguments distance to jerk can either be scalar or Nx1 matrices. If the argument is scalar it is applied to all axes. If the argument is a Nx1 matrix it must contain a value for each axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionMoveAdditive


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Command relative movement of one or multiple axes.


This function commands a relative movement of one or multiple axes. The relative position is added to the current position and is used as the new target. The difference between this and an additive movement is that the position offset is added to the current position, not the target position. So a movement command which is currently running will be interrupted and only the position offset is added to the current position.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionMoveRelative(connection, axisRef,...
distance, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionMoveRelative(connection, axisRef,...
distance, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

distance defines the relative distance value(s).

velocity defines the maximum velocity value(s).

acceleration defines the maximum acceleration value(s).

deceleration defines the maximum deceleration value(s).

jerk defines the jerk value(s).

The arguments distance to jerk can either be scalar or Nx1 matrices. If the argument is scalar it is applied to all axes. If the argument is a Nx1 matrix it must contain a value for each axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionMoveRelative


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Command a velocity controlled motion of one or multiple axes.


This function commands a velocity movement of one or multiple axes. Once the commanded velocity had been reached, the axis will continue to move with this velocity until another command is issued.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionMoveVelocity(connection, axisRef,...
velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionMoveVelocity(connection, axisRef,...
velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

velocity defines the setpoint velocity value(s).

acceleration defines the maximum acceleration value(s).

deceleration defines the maximum deceleration value(s).

jerk defines the jerk value(s).

The arguments velocity to jerk can either be scalar or Nx1 matrices. If the argument is scalar it is applied to all axes. If the argument is a Nx1 matrix it must contain a value for each axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionMoveVelocity


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Open a cyclic analog channel for one or multiple axes.


This function opens a channel for cyclic analog commands.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This is can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written each motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive refer to function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command. Prior to opening a cyclic channel, you should initialize the first channel value by using the corresponding write command m4MMotionWriteCyclicAnalog.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel(connection,...
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Open a cyclic position channel for one or multiple axes.


This function opens a channel for cyclic position commands.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This is can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written each motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive refer to function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command. Prior to opening a cyclic channel, you should initialize the first channel value by using the corresponding write command m4MMotionWriteCyclicPosition.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel(...
connection, axisRef)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel(...
connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Open a cyclic torque channel for one or multiple axes.


This function opens a channel for cyclic torque commands.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This is can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written each motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive refer to function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command. Prior to opening a cyclic channel, you should initialize the first channel value by using the corresponding write command m4MMotionWriteCyclicTorque.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel(connection,...
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel(connection,...

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Open a cyclic velocity channel for one or multiple axes.


This function opens a channel for cyclic velocity commands.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This is can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written each motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive refer to function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command. Prior to opening a cyclic channel, you should initialize the first channel value by using the corresponding write command m4MMotionWriteCyclicVelocity.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel(...
connection, axisRef)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel(...
connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: This function commands power to the drive.


This function commands power to the drive. This function commands power to one or multiple axes. This is only necessary for a real axis. Virtual axis can be moved without applying power to the axis. To disable power of an axis, the function has to be called again with false.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionPower(connection, axisRef, power)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionPower(connection, axisRef, power)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

power defines the state of the power stage. The argument must be of type logical and can be scalar or a Nx1 matrix. If the argument is scalar the value will be applied to all axes. Otherwise each axis needs an individual value. If the value is true the function will try to switch power on. If the value is false the function will try to switch power off.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionPower


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Set absolute measurement of one or multiple axes.


This function sets the absolute measurement of one or multiple axes. Only axis with absolute encoders can be used with this function.


m4MMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement(connection, axisRef)
result = m4MMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers of the axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionSetAbsoluteMeasurement


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Set modulo of one or multiple axes.


This function writes to the modulo value for one or multiple axes.


m4MMotionSetModulo(connection, axisRef, value)
result = m4MMotionSetModulo(connection, axisRef, value)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers of the axes. The argument must be numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

modulo defines the modulo value for the axis. The argument must be a double and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines the same modulo value for all axis.
  • Nx1 matrix: Each element defines the modulo value for the corresponding axis in axisRef.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionSetModulo


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: This function commands a stop of motion of one or multiple axes.


This function commands a stop of motion to the drive.

Note: After calling this function with true you have to call it again with false to acknowledge the command and to change from PLCopen state Stopping to Standstill.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionStop(connection, axisRef,...
deceleration, jerk, stop)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionStop(connection, axisRef,...
deceleration, jerk, stop)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

deceleration defines the maximum deceleration value(s). The argument must be numeric.

jerk defines the jerk value(s). The argument must be numeric.

stop defines the state of the stopping movement. The argument must be of type locical. If the value is true the axis starts stopping. When the axis is stopped the function must be called with the value false to release the stopping command.

The arguments deceleration to stop can either be scalar or Nx1 matrices. If the argument is scalar it is applied to all axes. If the argument is a Nx1 matrix it must contain a value for each axis.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionStop


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Exit synchronization mode of one or multiple axes.


This function commands one or multiple axes to exit synchonization mode. The axis will continue to run with the velocity at the time the command was issued. It can be called after m4MMotionGearIn, m4MMotionGearInPos, m4MMotionFlexProfile and m4MMotionCamIn.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionSynchronOut(connection, axisRef)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionSynchronOut(connection, axisRef)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionSynchronOut


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Command torque control of one or multiple axes.


This function controls a continuously determined torque with a defined torque ramp in a never ending motion. Depending on the scaling, the function is suited for force determination and torque determination (positive force/torque determination in the sense of positive velocity determination). To end the motion, the function has to be interrupted by another motion command.

The command can only be used with real axes.


[motionHandle]         = m4MMotionTorqueControl(connection, axisRef,...
torque, torqueRamp)
[motionHandle, result] = m4MMotionTorqueControl(connection, axisRef,...
torque, torqueRamp)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

torque defines the torque setpoint value(s). The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes. The unit of the torque value(s) depends on the axis scaling.

torqueRamp defines the torque ramp value(s). The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes. The unit of the torque ramp value(s) depends on the axis scaling.

For a detailed description refer to IndraWorks documentation and S-0-0822 and S-0-0823.

Output Arguments

motionHandle contains the motion handle(s) of this command. The argument is of type uint32 and can be a 1x2 or a Nx2 matrix.

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. If the function call fails, other output arguments will be set to NaN. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionTorqueControl


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Write cyclic analog values to one or multiple axes.


This function writes cyclic analog values to one or multiple axes.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written every motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive you might want to have a look at the function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command.

To open a cyclic channel refer to function m4MMotionOpenCyclicAnalogChannel.


m4MMotionWriteCyclicAnalog(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)
result = m4MMotionWriteCyclicAnalog(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

cyclicValue defines the analog setpoint value. The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. A positive value of result indicates a successful execution and a negative value a failed execution. Refer to Fundamentals of MLPI Programming for a detailed explanation of the MLPI error handling.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionWriteCyclicAnalog


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Write cyclic position values to one or multiple axes.


This function writes cyclic position values to one or multiple axes.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written every motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive you might want to have a look at the function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command.

To open a cyclic channel refer to function m4MMotionOpenCyclicPositionChannel.


m4MMotionWriteCyclicPosition(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)
result = m4MMotionWriteCyclicPosition(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

cyclicValue defines the position setpoint value. The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionWriteCyclicPosition


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Write cyclic torque values to one or multiple axes.


This function writes cyclic torque values to one or multiple axes.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written every motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive you might want to have a look at the function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command.

To open a cyclic channel refer to function m4MMotionOpenCyclicTorqueChannel.


m4MMotionWriteCyclicTorque(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)
result = m4MMotionWriteCyclicTorque(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

cyclicValue defines the torque setpoint value. The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionWriteCyclicTorque


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version:




Motion-Function: Write cyclic velocity values to one or multiple axes.


This function writes cyclic velocity values to one or multiple axes.

The function deals with motion that is commanded by sending cyclic data. This can be used to generate your own profiles, contrary to all other motion commands where the profiles are generated by the control. In order to be able to write cyclic data, a channel must be opened first. Once opened, cyclic data should be written every motion cycle. No explicit error will occur if no cyclic data is written. In this case, the last known cyclic value will be send again. But keep in mind, that the movement on the drive might be jittered or even result in errors in the drive. To correctly synchronize your cyclic write access to the drive you might want to have a look at the function m4MTaskWaitForEvent. The cyclic command mode can be exited using any other single or synchronous motion command.

To open a cyclic channel refer to function m4MMotionOpenCyclicVelocityChannel.


m4MMotionWriteCyclicVelocity(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)
result = m4MMotionWriteCyclicVelocity(connection, axisRef, cyclicValue)

Input Arguments

connection defines the connection that will be used. The argument must be scalar and of type MlpiConnection.

axisRef defines a matrix with axis and control numbers. The argument must be real numeric and can have the following dimensions:

  • 1x1 matrix: A scalar defines a single axis number on the connected MLPI device.
  • 1x2 matrix: The first value defines the control number and the second value defines the axis number on that control.
  • Nx2 matrix: Each row defines a pair of control and axis number. The first column defines the control numbers and the second column defines the axis numbers.

cyclicValue defines the velocity setpoint value. The argument must be of type double and can be scalar or Nx1. If it is scalar the value is applied to all axes.

Output Arguments

result contains the return value of the MLPI function. The argument is scalar and of type int32. Negative values indicate a failed function call. For details refer to the section Error Identification and Handling in Fundamentals of MLPI Programming.

Example Files

Here you will find instructions to use the examples.

The following example is available in the folder ./mlpi/mlpi4MATLAB/bin:

See also

Reference to mlpiCore

This function maps to the mlpiCore function: mlpiMotionWriteCyclicVelocity


Legal notice and version: © 2017 Bosch Rexroth Corporation DC-AE/EAS1 (MGo) Library version: