Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4LabVIEW)  1.26.2
Common function
Collaboration diagram for Common function:


MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerCreate (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const WCHAR16 *tagList, const MlpiContainerAccess accessFlag, MlpiContainerHandle *handle, ULONG *dataSize)
MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerUpdate (const MLPIHANDLE connection, const MlpiContainerHandle handle, void *data, const ULONG dataSize)
MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerDestroy (const MLPIHANDLE connection, MlpiContainerHandle *handle)

Detailed Description

Contains functions to create, update and destroy containers.

The addresses of the variables of the container content might change on every download, reset origin or online change of the PLC application, so you have to stop and destroy each regarding container before you load or change the PLC application!

Before you can use any other container function, you need to create a container using the function mlpiContainerCreate provided here. Update the container by using mlpiContainerUpdate and don't forget to release the container by calling mlpiContainerDestroy when you are finished.

Function Documentation

MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerCreate ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const WCHAR16 tagList,
const MlpiContainerAccess  accessFlag,
MlpiContainerHandle handle,
ULONG dataSize 

This function creates a new container. It has to be specified if the container is a read or write container. It is not possible to read and write using the same container. To specify which data to read or write, you have to give a tag list to the function. The tag list is a formatted string of one or multiple tags which are separated by a semicolon (;). Each tag is built of multiple arguments which are again separated by comma (,).

Please have a look at ContainerLib for an extensive introduction to the ContainerLib mechanism.

The addresses of the variables of the container content might change on every download, reset origin or online change of the PLC application, so you have to stop and destroy each regarding container before you load or change the PLC application!
[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]tagListConfiguration description of container. This is a string with multiple tags as described above. Tags are delimited by semicolons.
[in]accessFlagConfiguration of container regarding read or write access.
[out]handleHandle for use of container.
[out]dataSizeData size of container in bytes.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
1 // This example creates a read buffer which reads 4 bytes of input IO and four variables.
2 MlpiContainerHandle hContainer;
3 memset(&hContainer, 0, sizeof(hContainer));
4 ULONG containerSize = 0;
6 // build the tag list which describes which containerData to pack into the container
7 const WCHAR16 tagList[] =
8 {
9  L"LOGICLIB_MEMORY_AREA,Application,INPUT,0,32;"
10  L"LOGICLIB_SYMBOL,Application.PlcProg.varReal;"
11  L"LOGICLIB_SYMBOL,Application.PlcProg.varUint;"
12  L"LOGICLIB_SYMBOL,Application.PlcProg.varString;"
13  L"LOGICLIB_SYMBOL,Application.PlcProg.varUintArray;"
14 };
16 // create the container
17 MLPIRESULT result = mlpiContainerCreate(connection, tagList, MLPI_CONTAINER_ACCESS_READ, &hContainer, &containerSize);
18 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
19  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
20  return result;
21 }
22 printf("\nContainer created. Size in bytes: %d", containerSize);
24 // read the container
25 UCHAR *containerData = new UCHAR[containerSize];
26 memset(containerData, 0, containerSize);
27 result = mlpiContainerUpdate(connection, hContainer, containerData, containerSize);
28 if (MLPI_FAILED(result)) {
29  printf("\ncall of MLPI function failed with 0x%08x!", (unsigned)result);
30  delete [] containerData;
31  return result;
32 }
34 // dump the data
35 printf("\ndumping container data:\n");
36 utilHexdump(containerData, containerSize); // #include "util/mlpiGlobalHelper.h"
38 // delete container and free resources
39 mlpiContainerDestroy(connection, &hContainer);
40 delete [] containerData;
MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerUpdate ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
const MlpiContainerHandle  handle,
void *  data,
const ULONG  dataSize 

This function updates a container. If you pass a handle to a write container, then you also need to pass the data and correct data size to the data argument of the function. If you pass a handle to a read container, then you will receive the data that gets read by the function in the buffer given to the data argument.

[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]handleHandle that specifies the container to update. Use mlpiContainerCreate to create a container.
[in,out]dataData to be written in case of write-container. Data buffer to read data to in case of read-container.
[in]dataSizeSize in bytes of data argument.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See mlpiContainerCreate
MLPIRESULT mlpiContainerDestroy ( const MLPIHANDLE  connection,
MlpiContainerHandle handle 

This function destroys a container which has been created using mlpiContainerCreate. Containers consume memory resources of the server. You should therefore destroy any containers your application no longer needs!

Please ensure you don't destroy a container when accessing it (update, read information e.g.)!
[in]connectionHandle for multiple connections.
[in]handleHandle of the container to destroy. Use mlpiContainerCreate to create a container.
Return value indicating success (>=0) or error (<0).
See mlpiContainerCreate