Connects to the drive

Namespace: EAL.EALConnection
Assembly: EAL (in EAL.dll) Version: (


public void Connect(
	string ipAddress,
	Nullable<bool> mulipleIp,
	uint leaseTimeout,
	uint busyTimeout
Visual Basic
Public Sub Connect ( 
	ipAddress As String,
	mulipleIp As Nullable(Of Boolean),
	leaseTimeout As UInteger,
	busyTimeout As UInteger
Visual C++
virtual void Connect(
	String^ ipAddress, 
	Nullable<bool> mulipleIp, 
	unsigned int leaseTimeout, 
	unsigned int busyTimeout
) sealed


Type: System..::..String
IP address
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'Boolean>)>)>
Multiple IP
Type: System..::..UInt32
Requested lease-timeout in milliseconds that the server should use. Default value is 10000. Use uint.MaxValue to disable lease timeouts i.e indicate the server not to handle the lease-timeout. The lease timeout specifies the amount of time after which the server shall shutdown an idle connection to the client.
Type: System..::..UInt32
Requested busy-timeout in milliseconds, the server should use. Default 2000. Use uint.MaxValue to disable busy timeouts. i.e indicate the client not to handle the busy-timeout. The busy timeout specifies the amount of time within which the server should send a response to the client’s request.


IEALConnection..::..Connect(String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Boolean>)>>), UInt32, UInt32)


Synchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection())
        ealConnection.Connect("", null, 10000, 2000);  // Connects with default max delay
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];        // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                            // Powers-off
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Activates to parameterisation mode
        ealConnection.Initialize();                                     // Initializes the basic settings
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Activates to Operating mode
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                             // Powers-on
        axis.Movement.Home();                                  // Executes homing
        axis.Movement.MoveAbsolute(10000, 400, 100, 100, 0);   // Moves the axis to position 10000 
        axis.Movement.Wait(100000);                            // Waits until last movement command completes 
Asynchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection(true))  // Asynchronous flag is true
        ealConnection.Connect("", null, 10000, 2000);  // Connect task, default max delay will be added to queue
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];              // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                            // Powers-off task will be added to the queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Activate parameterisation mode task will be added to queue
        ealConnection.Initialize();                                     // Initializes the basic settings task will be added to queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Activate Operating mode task will be added to queue
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                             // Powers-on task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.Home();                                  // Homing task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.MoveAbsolute(10000, 400, 100, 100, 0);   // Moves the axis to position 10000 
                                                                // task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.Wait(100000);                                     // Waits until last movement command completes 
                                                                // task will be added to queue.
        ealConnection.WaitUntilQueueComplete();                         // Now it will wait untill all are executed.

See Also