The IConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFlowrateUnit
Flow rate unit. Stores locally and will be used to calculate flowrate command.
Public propertyInjectionPhaseActive
Injection phase active flag. Stores locally and will be set, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.
Public propertyMaxFlowrateValue
Stores locally and will be used to calculate maximum positive velocity, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.
Public propertyNominalFlowrateValue
Nominal Flowrate value. Stores locally and will be used to calculate flowrate command, when FlowrateCommand called.
Public propertyNominalPressureValue
Nominal pressure value. Stores locally and will be used to calculate pressure command value, when PressureCommand called.
Public propertyParameterSetNo
Parameter set number. Stores locally and will be set, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.
Public propertyPressureUnit
Pressure uint. Stores locally and will be used to calculate pressure command value.
Public propertyPumpOn
Pump on flag. Stores locally and will be set, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.
Public propertyVolumePump01
Pump 01 volume. Stores locally and will be set, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.
Public propertyVolumePump02
Volume pump 02. Stores locally and will be set, when PressureControl or FlowrateControl method called.

See Also