Loads default parameters

Namespace: EAL.Interfaces.Motion
Assembly: EAL (in EAL.dll) Version: (


void LoadDefaultParameters()
Visual Basic
Sub LoadDefaultParameters
Visual C++
void LoadDefaultParameters()


To load default parameters into a drive, it should be in parameterization mode


Synchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection())
        ealConnection.Connect("");                            // Connects to drive
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];        // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                // Powers-off
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Switches to parameterisation mode
        axis.LoadDefaultParameters();              // Loads default parameters
        ealConnection.Initialize();                         // Initializes
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Switchs to operating mode
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                 // Powers-on
        axis.Movement.MoveVelocity(500, 100, 100, 0);        
Asynchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection(true))  // Asynchronous flag is true
        ealConnection.Connect("");                            // Connect task will be added to queue
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];        // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                // Powers-off task will be added to the queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Activate parameterisation mode task will be added to queue
        axis.LoadDefaultParameters();              // Load default parameters task will be added to queue
        ealConnection.Initialize();                         // Initialize task will be added to queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Activate Operating mode will be added to queue
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                 // Powers-on task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.MoveVelocity(500, 100, 100, 0);

See Also