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Stronger together: Automation needs co-creation

Statement – press conference 2023

Steffen Winkler, Vice President Sales, Business Unit Automation & Electrification Solutions, Bosch Rexroth AG

An ecosystem isn’t an ego-system. Its value comes from the combined strengths of different market players. Their various perspectives, experiences, ideas and technologies should be combined in a meaningful way to create an entirely new all-encompassing automation world. Competitors become players, and users and partner become active participants here. It’s not just about innovations – it’s about coming up with new solutions and taking on responsibility for a better, more sustainable industry.

Our operating system ctrlX OS is the enabler when it comes to meeting these goals. As the core part of the ecosystem initiated by ctrlX AUTOMATION, it has a head start over other solutions in various respects: ctrlX OS is the most modern, open and secure operating system in the field of automation technology. It gives the entire sector access to the ctrlX AUTOMATION ecosystem and all digital services. This results in completely new possibilities for everyone involved. The aim of Bosch Rexroth and the partner companies is to create a new standard for the market – one which allows them to work together to achieve maximum freedom in automation.

Our Linux-based operating system has been used on Rexroth’s control platform ctrlX CORE since 2020. It has proven itself in practice and is now available for use by all companies. We’re convinced that such operating systems are the future of automation. After all, they make it possible to move away from proprietary systems towards open, modular and scalable microservices architectures. They’ll allow a profound transformation of industry, especially in terms of digitalization, connectivity and sustainability.

The market confirms that this openness is exactly the right way to go. More than 1,000 customers worldwide already use ctrlX AUTOMATION. Nearly 100 third-party providers have joined the partner network ctrlX World and are offering their solutions and apps. More and more automation providers, partner companies and users are opting to help shape the paradigm shift with ctrlX OS and ctrlX AUTOMATION. Together, we want to improve the automation sector on a permanent basis for everyone.

Portrait view of Steffen Winkler, Game Changer ctrlX AUTOMATION

Steffen Winkler

Game Changer



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