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  • ctrlX developR (Season 3) episode #3: Machine Learning meets Machine Learning

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Host Christian Zentraf and his guest André Stury talk about Machine Learning and AIoT.

ctrlX developR (Season 3) –
episode #3: ctrlX AUTOMATION meets Machine Learning

Welcome to episode #3 of the third season of the ctrlX developR series. Host Christian has invited our ctrlX developR and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence expert André Stury for today to talk with him about this rapidly evolving field in software development.

Both discuss this exciting topic and show how AI has already been integrated into ctrlX AUTOMATION and is being applied as well as what advantages it offers to users. They also ask whether and how AI can be applied even more in the industrial automation environment in the future, and what risk factors there are and how to deal with them.

In this sense, have fun with episode #3.

Watch Episode #3

Host Christian Zentraf and his guest André Stury talk about Machine Learning and AIoT.
Portrait view of André Stury, ctrlX AUTOMATION Software Engineer

André Stury

ctrlX developR
Machine Learning



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