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SMC Deutschland GmbH

No matter whether in the automotive, packaging or process industry: sensors related to pneumatics provide input from the shop floor. As a global specialist in pneumatic and electrical automation, SMC ensures easy and quick integration into the ctrlX AUTOMATION environment via IO-Link or EtherCAT with its sensors and actuators.

Valve manifold

Valve control enablement via EtherCAT interface (EX260) allows to easily control pneumatic machine components.

Electrical actuator

The electric controller (JXC) can be easily integrated via EtherCAT. Users can thus, get all current information of the actuator (LE) and set up the new positions directly from the PLC.
No matter which application, each controller can be connected to a linear or rotating actuator, or gripper with incremental or absolute encoder at their stepper motors.


  • Possibility to connect to overall machine digitalization.
  • Save installation space through a very compact footprint of electric actuators. Very small installation footprint with very compact electric actuators.
  • Only one controller for all (linear, rotate, gripper) actuators with absolute encoder.

Target Groups

  • Machine Builder


About SMC

SMC Deutschland GmbH is a leading manufacturer, partner and solution provider for pneumatic and electrical automation technology based in Egelsbach near Frankfurt am Main. The company has been active on the German market since 1978.

In various industries such as the automotive, electrical, medical, packaging and food industries as well as machine tool construction, SMC uses its product range, which includes more than 12,000 basic models and over 700,000 variants for individual customer solutions.

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