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Sustainability is a question of service

Sustainability was not always at the top of the agenda in the production industry. However, the situation is now changing fundamentally as a variety of factors is making this evolution essential. Many companies have already started the transition towards greater sustainability. After all, the requirements and developments in the production industry mean that demand for sustainability and supporting services will continue to increase.

Many people associate above all environmental protection with sustainability. Yet this key term encompasses not only ecological aspects but also a range of social and economic aspects. Sustainability is already an established concept in the consumer sector. More and more companies in the B2C sector are specializing in recycling and reselling used products. Now, the world of production too is increasingly opening up to sustainability and realizing that it is an important value creation factor.

Customers expect ecological and social awareness

Triggers for the transformation to sustainability include various factors such as a shortage of materials as a result of raw material shortages and cut-off supply routes. Conserving resources when it comes to raw materials is another important goal, one which is influencing the trend towards greater sustainability in industry. Companies that focus on sustainability enjoy numerous benefits, for example greater efficiency, reduced costs, fewer risks and a better competitive position.

Nowadays, a company’s ecological and social awareness is a key purchase criterion for end consumers, who demand sustainability along the entire value creation chain. In order to establish sustainable production, it is therefore important to take into account the entire life cycle. Accordingly, a new approach is essential in automation.

Achieving sustainability goals with services

A key objective of service products and services for greater sustainability is long availability. During development, more and more manufacturers are already taking steps to ensure that a product can be easily repaired and offers long serviceability. Repair, retrofitting and remanufacturing concepts therefore have great potential. Throwing away automation components which are no longer needed goes against today’s environmental goals and the principle of sustainability. A circular economy based on repairing and recycling products is in ever greater demand. Popular approaches include: Repairs as a first resort, retrofitting and in particular remanufacturing, a form of recycling. Remanufacturing saves energy and materials, making it a key factor in sustainable manufacturing and resulting in cost savings for customers.

In addition to concepts for extending the availability and operating life of products, new business models such as cloud services or leasing models are appearing too. Digital services are becoming increasingly important as they use data to reduce inefficiencies for example and thus optimize processes. Cloud-capable service applications for example can be used to monitor machine statuses and carry out predictive maintenance.

The digitalization of the industrial service business can be seen for example in smart services. More and more machines and products are being equipped with sensors and connected to the internet. However, smart services are more than just the foundation for digital business models – they are also important for customer profiling. On the Internet of Things, smart services collect and analyze customer data on the basis of connected and intelligent systems and digital platforms. The customer profiling method is used successfully in marketing when defining target groups, potential customers and relevant communication.

Acting sustainably throughout – for greater value creation

In automation and other sectors, classic and new digital services along with various services for the entire product life cycle always mean value creation. Bosch Rexroth’s modular and scalable ctrlX AUTOMATION platform encourages this. It offers integrated service and support and, with the ctrlX World ecosystem, provides everything needed for complete automation solutions. As a result, the requirements for virtually all automation applications are met.

The range of services geared to sustainability assists users during commissioning, operation and predictive maintenance. The portfolio also includes services designed to maximize the operating life of all components. The services provided by Bosch Rexroth include the procurement of spares, repairs, product overhauls, remanufactured products and retrofitting.

With these and other supporting services, companies in the B2B sector can conserve raw materials, keep costs down and take responsibility for the environment. As a result, sustainability becomes a key competitive advantage.


You can find out more in our white paper “Sustainability – a question of service”. Download it now!

Portrait view of Stefan Saul, Game Changer Service

Stefan Saul

Game Changer


Sustainability – a question of service

It is not only in the consumer sector that new sustainability concepts must continue to be developed; it is also time to break new ground in the B2B sector. A service portfolio that focuses on sustainability supports users during commissioning, operations, and predictive maintenance, among other things. Learn more in our whitepaper.

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