Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4Lua)  1.26.2
Setting up a lua environment to use the MLPI


This manual shows how to setup a Lua development tools (LDT) which uses the MLPI to communicate with the target device.


To start programming in Lua, you need a working Lua environment. By default, this includes:

  • An editor to write your code(e.g. Lua development tools (LDT))
  • A Lua runtime (e.g. Lua development tools (LDT), luaDist), to execute the Lua programm.

Install LDT

First you have to download Lua development tools (LDT) from and install it. MLPI offers secured communication to the target. So you have to copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from MLPI4Lua binary folder to installation folder of LDT.

Install execution environment for mlpi4lua

Mlpi4Lua provides an execution environment for LDT. It contains online documentation for mlpi4lua and a simple example. In LDT install the execution environment. The execution environment is located in mlpi4Lua\bin\eclipse_ldt\ .


After installation new lua execution environment is selected.


Creating a new Lua project

Create an new project using file -> New -> Lua Project


Select Bosch rexroth mlpi4Lua-0.1 execution environment
