Open Core Interface - MLPI
MLPI-MotionLogicProgrammingInterface(mlpi4LabVIEW)  1.26.2
Collaboration diagram for SecurityLib:


 Version and Permission
 Structs, Types, ...
 Network Security

Detailed Description

This security library provides functionality in order to manage security settings. It also allows to get information information about them.

Please consider: The SecurityLib is only useable with the TLS based mlpi-connection (mlpiS)!

All the following functions allow to modify and obtain information regarding the IT-Security configuration of the target control. Network security is one part of IT-Security. For example, it is possible to activate and deactivate protocols like SSH.

Please consider: Some old, insecure protocols might be activated by default! This is necessary in order to provide downward compatibility. If they are not needed, it is strongly recommended to turn them off.