Connects to the drive

Namespace: EAL.EALConnection
Assembly: EAL (in EAL.dll) Version: (


public void Connect(
	string ipAddress,
	Nullable<bool> mulipleIp,
	uint leaseTimeout,
	uint busyTimeout,
	uint maxDelay
Visual Basic
Public Sub Connect ( 
	ipAddress As String,
	mulipleIp As Nullable(Of Boolean),
	leaseTimeout As UInteger,
	busyTimeout As UInteger,
	maxDelay As UInteger
Visual C++
virtual void Connect(
	String^ ipAddress, 
	Nullable<bool> mulipleIp, 
	unsigned int leaseTimeout, 
	unsigned int busyTimeout, 
	unsigned int maxDelay
) sealed


Type: System..::..String
IP address of the drive
Type: System..::..Nullable<(Of <(<'Boolean>)>)>
Multiple IP flag
Type: System..::..UInt32
Requested lease-timeout in milliseconds that the server should use. Default value is 10000. Use uint.MaxValue to disable lease timeouts i.e indicate the server not to handle the lease-timeout. The lease timeout specifies the amount of time after which the server shall shutdown an idle connection to the client.
Type: System..::..UInt32
Requested busy-timeout in milliseconds, the server should use. Default 2000. Use uint.MaxValue to disable busy timeouts. i.e indicate the client not to handle the busy-timeout. The busy timeout specifies the amount of time within which the server should send a response to the client’s request.
Type: System..::..UInt32
Application delay in milliseconds. Minimum value is 200 and default value is 500 Lease-timeout will be shortened by this value (before negotiating with the server) considering delay in sending the request from the client to the server. Busy-timeout will be increased by this value (after negotiating with the server) considering delay in getting the response (response to the request or busy response) from the server to the client.


IEALConnection..::..Connect(String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Boolean>)>>), UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)


Synchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection())
        ealConnection.Connect("", null, 10000, 2000, 500); // Connects with give least time, default busy timeout,default max delay
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];        // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                            // Powers-off
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Activates to parameterisation mode
        ealConnection.Initialize();                                     // Initializes the basic settings
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Activates to Operating mode
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                             // Powers-on
        axis.Movement.Home();                                  // Executes homing
        axis.Movement.MoveAbsolute(10000, 400, 100, 100, 0);   // Moves the axis to position 10000 
        axis.Movement.Wait(100000);                            // Waits until last movement command completes 
Asynchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection(true))  // Asynchronous flag is true
        ealConnection.Connect("", null, 10000, 2000, 500);   // Connect task, with given least time, default busy timeout,
                                                                // default max delay will be added to queue
        IAxis axis = ealConnection.Motion.Axes[0];        // Gets axis
        axis.Movement.Power(false);                            // Powers-off task will be added to the queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE_PARAMETERIZATION);   // Activate parameterisation mode task will be added to queue
        ealConnection.Initialize();                                     // Initializes the basic settings task will be added to queue
        axis.SetCondition(AxisCondition.AXIS_CONDITION_ACTIVE);                    // Activate Operating mode task will be added to queue
        axis.Movement.Power(true);                             // Powers-on task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.Home();                                  // Homing task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.MoveAbsolute(10000, 400, 100, 100, 0);   // Moves the axis to position 10000 
                                                                // task will be added to queue.
        axis.Movement.Wait(100000);                                     // Waits until last movement command completes 
                                                                // task will be added to queue.
        ealConnection.WaitUntilQueueComplete();                         // Now it will wait untill all are executed.

See Also