Reads maximum value of the given parameter idn

Namespace: EAL.Interfaces.Parameter
Assembly: EAL (in EAL.dll) Version: (


Object ReadMaximum(
	string idn
Visual Basic
Function ReadMaximum ( 
	idn As String
) As Object
Visual C++
Object^ ReadMaximum(
	String^ idn


Type: System..::..String
Parameter idn to read maximum value

Return Value

Type: Object
Maximum value of the given parameter


Synchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection())    // Creates axis object with synchronous execution method.
        // Connects to the real drive
        // Reads the maximum value of the S-0-0036 parameter. Read method is always synchronous
        object maximumObj = axis.Parameter.ReadMaximum("S-0-0036");
        // Parses the value actual data type
        double maximumVlaue = (double)maximumObj;
        // Display maximum value
        Console.WriteLine("Maximum value of S-0-0036 parameter is {0}", maximumVlaue);
Asynchronous method
 Copy imageCopy
private static void Sample()
    using (IEALConnection ealConnection = new EALConnection())    // Creates axis object with asynchronous execution method.
        // Connect to the real drive task will be added to the queue
        // Waits untill all task in the queue gets executed
        // Reads the maximum value of the S-0-0036 parameter. Read method is always synchronous
        object maximumObj = axis.Parameter.ReadMaximum("S-0-0036");
        // Parses the value actual data type
        double maximumVlaue = (double)maximumObj;
        // Display maximum value
        Console.WriteLine("Maximum value of S-0-0036 parameter is {0}", maximumVlaue);

See Also